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air speed (飛機與空氣相對的)飛行速度,空速 (cf. groun...

air speedometer

The flow regime inside of the tunnel , the characteristics of hydrodynamic load , the hydrodynamic pressure feature at the gate slot and the vent air speed during the shutting of the gate is studied through model test , and then the reliability of the gate , the feature of the vent air speed and the pressure at the gate slot during the shutting of the gate are analyzed based on the test result concerned 通過模型試驗研究了事故閘門關閉過程中泄洪洞內的水流流態、門體的水動力荷載特性以及門槽段動水壓力特性、通氣孔風速,并根據試驗結果分析了該閘門動水下門過程中的可靠性,通氣孔風速特性和門槽段壓力特性。

At the same time , i discover that the number of the return air inlet has a little influecing and it can be neglected . when there is hot resource at upperside of the room , the hot jet and supply air jet together affecting . at the same lower part heat intensity , a utmost wind speed exist , the supply air speed lower , the more heat intensity on the upside , the less convecting transfer heat , whereas 對于上部有熱源的條件下,則其對流熱轉移量的變化關系是由熱射流與送風冷射流共同作用影響的,在下部熱源強度相同的條件下,存在一極限風速,在該風速以下,上部熱源強度越大,則對流熱轉移量越小,反之在該風速以上,上部熱源強度越大,則對流熱移量越大。

It shows that the injection quantity and the difference of temperature distribute as a parabola which is at the same load , and the minimum of the parabola corresponds to the optimum quantity of injection ( g ) . under the condition that the quantity of injected mass , the air speed and the heat quantity is respectively g , v and q , the research demonstrates that the pentium iv chip ' s temperature variation can be controlled under 40c and work normally when the wind speed overpass 1 . 5m / s and the power dissipation of the chip is 60w . otherwise this paper calculates the flooding limit of thermosiphon with several different methods 對其充灌量、散熱量、電子元件( cpu模擬芯片)表面與環境溫度之差及通風、流速的影響進行了系統的測試,發現充液量與溫差的關系在負荷不變時呈拋物線分布,其極小值點對應的充液量是最佳充液量g 。在充液量為g時,對風速v 、散熱量q進行的研究表明,當風速超過1 . 5m / s后,奔騰芯片在60w發熱條件下芯片溫度小于40 ,能滿足長期正常工作。

Aiming at the structure characteristics of the pipeline system of the existing boiler combustion equipment , the paper work out the new - style air speed measure components via the theory analysis of the existing measure components of all kind of forms and measure theory . and then the paper designs and builds the wind tunnel test - bed to process the test and research of the air speed measure components in order to realize it ' s structure and each characteristic parameter 針對現有的鍋爐燃燒設備管路系統的結構特點,論文通過對現有的各種形式、測量原理的流量測量裝置的理論分析,設計出新型的風速測量元件,并且設計、建立滿足試驗所需的風洞試驗臺,對風速測量元件的結構及各項特性指標進行試驗研究,完成一次元件的開發工作。

Finally to accomplish the development of air speed measure components being based upon above discussion , the paper chose rationally hardware equipments , such as the tiny pressure difference sensor , the data collection system , the industrial control computer etc , solved the communication interface problems of the hardware platform , compiled the system software of the air speed on - line monitor , and raveled out a series of technical problems about the signal real time conversion , transfer , modify , calculate , display and so on 在此基礎上,對微差壓變送器、數據采集系統、計算機等硬件設備進行了合理選型,解決了硬件平臺的通訊接口問題。編制風速監測系統軟件,解決信號實時轉換、傳遞、修正、計算、顯示等監測系統二次部分開發的一系列技術問題。

So far , combustion monitor methods for domestic units are out of date with many reasons . as an important parameter to design and to guide boiler ' s combustion adjustment , the primary and secondary air speed of boiler have not realized real - time and precise measurement . combustion adjustment for boiler of power plants is on blind and semi - blind status 目前,國產機組的燃燒監測手段落后,作為設計和指導鍋爐燃燒調整的重要參數- -鍋爐一、二次風噴口風速,一直沒有能實現實時、準確的測量,電站鍋爐的燃燒調整缺乏科學的手段,直接影響著鍋爐的安全、經濟、潔凈運行。

According to finite element segmentation principle , by combining test with observation , the author has measured the air streamline and speed distribution of burning equipment in dally situation , which provides some guide for research of air field in hearth on cold and hot conditions . and the law is found of air speed distribution by measuring its speed and distribution of upper and lower deck on cold condition , thus it lays the foundation for analysis on hot condition . under four burning states , we measure the air speed in single , double - deck , and find out its corresponding distribution law 5 .根據有限元分割原理布置測點,采用降溫方法,用k五江9106等儀器分別測出單雙爐排燃燒方式4種不同工況下,該燃燒設備爐膛內coz 、 02 、 co氣體濃度,并找到了隨爐膛高度方向及深度方向變化規律;從燃燒原理分析評價了2種燃燒方式爐膛內coz 、 02 、 co氣體濃度場分布特點及相應燃料層內干燥、干餾、氧化、還原、灰渣層厚度,肯定了雙層爐排燃燒方式爐膛中c02 、 02 、 co氣體濃度場分布合理性,從燃燒理論找出了最佳濃度場分布狀態及燃料層內各反應層厚度。

In order to know about the relation between the indoor particle ' s concentration and time , the author educed a formula which shows the indoor particle ' s instantaneous concentration based on the indoor purifying model . the author also has analysed the relations between the indoor particle ' s concentration changing and some factors including the indoor particle ' s initialization concentration , outdoor particle ' s concentration , air speed , etc 在實際的工程應用中,需要知道室內顆粒物的濃度隨時間變化的情況,本文建立了應用過濾材料的空調室內凈化模型,推導出室內的顆粒物濃度瞬時式,并從理論上分析各種因素(室內初始顆粒物濃度、室外大氣濃度、過濾風速及通風量等)與室內顆粒物濃度變化的關系,為實際的應用提供了指導。

For the existing situation of primary air speed monitoring condition on boiler , a new instrument structure mode whose data acquisition board and display board are separated , and connected by communication to improve the reliability , reduce the cost and easy installation and maintain 摘要針對鍋爐一次風速監測儀表的現狀,提出一種新型儀表構成方式,將測量儀表的現場數據采集和顯示功能分離,之間采用通信方式連接,以提高儀表的可靠性,降低成本,方便安裝和維護。

First of all , this paper analyses present problems existing in the boiler combustion monitor system of power plants , then put forward the signification to realize precision measurement for the primary and secondary air speed of boiler and the necessary conditions to solve efficaciously this problem 本文首先分析了目前電站鍋爐燃燒監測系統中存在問題,提出鍋爐實現一、二次噴口風速準確測量的重要性以及有效解決該問題所需要滿足的必要條件。

This paper particularly analyzes the problem ' s status from the theory with the practice angle , by being introduced the manufacture process of the on - line monitor system for primary and secondary air speed of boiler , and puts forward an effective way to solve this problem 論文從理論和實際的角度對現存問題進行了詳細分析。通過介紹電站鍋爐一、二次風風速在線監測系統的研制過程,提出了解決該問題的有效途徑。

The control laws of longitudinal and lateral - directional autopilot modes are designed based on root locus theory . the control laws of altitude holding mode , heading holding mode , auto - throttle control and air speed holding mode are designed as well 研究了無人機的飛行控制技術,利用根軌跡法設計了無人機的縱向與側向姿態保持控制律,設計了高度保持、航向保持、自動油門及速度保持控制律。

In order to discuss the quantifiable relation of air speed with human comfort and physiology stress , 20 subjects each in winter and summer of 2005 were exposed different air speed , and they had done some physiological testing and questionnaire 室內的熱舒適性問卷調查得知,夏季空氣流速的改變使得人體所感知的熱感覺、氣流感、濕度感和熱環境滿意度都有很大的變化,說明在夏季風速的提高可

So when the underfloor air supply system is been used in engineering , different supply air speed will be adopted on the basis of different heat intensity of upside and low side of room . so to economize energy 所以工程上采用地板送風時,應根據房間上下部熱源強度的不同,采用不同的送風速度,從而減少對流熱轉移負荷,在工程上達到最大的節能。

As the air speed came on , the plane slowly , slowly rolled out with heavy , serious vibration problems because that prop was still spinning with parts of it missing , obviously out of balance 隨著飛行速度起來,飛機慢慢地、慢慢地翻轉過來,但是顫抖劇烈,顯然是因為那個已經失去一些部件的螺旋槳仍在旋轉,失去了平衡。

Russian pilot : control , unidentified aircraft detected . altitude 30 , 000 feet . it ' s fast ! estimated air speed exceeding mach 3 . bearing south . . . i ' m about to lose it 俄國飛行員:控制中心,發現不明飛機,高度30000英尺。它太快了,飛行速度超過3馬赫,方向向南,我跟不上它。

Additionally , target detection will take into account a target ' s radar cross section ( rcs ) , its aspect angle , and its air speed ( targets below the threshold gate will not be detected ) 外加目標的確定怎加了計算目標的rcs值當空速低于這個門限的時候目標將無法被察覺

On the basis of the practice status of the boiler , a suit of integrated air speed on - line monitor system was installed after completing the relative design and reconstruct work 根據現場實際情況,進行相關的設計、改造工作,安裝一套完整的風速在線監測系統。

A : “ this guy has a little bit of problem . he ' s screwing , not real steady . . . . he ' s having a hard time maintaining serious air speed . he ' s got flaps down a little bit 這家伙遇到些麻煩了。他在搖晃,并不很穩。他很難控制住重要的空速。他放下一點襟翼。